Monday, November 12, 2012

Introduction and Today's Crafting

This is my first post in what I hope will be a four month little blog that I can keep for all eternity - I have my regular website at Eating and Art that I post recipes and things I have created (mostly for sale on ETSY) but when I wanted to start chronicling all the things I was doing for my upcoming wedding, it didn't seem like it fit there. So here I am. I suppose my first post should be one of introduction and back story, most of which will find its way on an about me page.

This is me, Kellie

My fiance's name is Clayton. He's an awesome guy. We met three years ago (on Christmas day) and we have been inseparable ever since. we were best friends for months then the following May just eased into a relationship. He's a geologist, working on an oil ship. It stinks because he is gone four weeks, then home two.

This is us

I got engaged in June (officially - we'd been planning it much longer than that) and our wedding is set for March 2, 2013. That means as of this post, there's just under four months left. I have my dress, I have picked out the wedding party's dresses, and now I am just waiting for my husband-to-be to come home to get the men's attire settled. My work area is overflowing with wedding stuff. I'm doing as much of it myself as I can because not only am I cheap, I'm creative. And I want things like I want them and the best way of having this happen is to do it myself.

Right now the biggest hurdle to get over is to find a place to have the wedding and reception. Where we're having it, it's a super small town and there are like very few places to have a wedding. There are a few but they're super expensive. I'm utilizing my fiance's mother as much as I can to help find places etc but with all of us so busy, it's been difficult so far.

Today I decided I was going to start on the centerpieces for the tables. My roommate loves drinking Barefoot moscato, and I've been asking her to save the empty bottles for me to craft with. I figured wrapping them in burlap and purple tulle would make for a great way to create some cutesy flower holders or whatever and I was definitely right.

See? cute, right?

I am covered in hot glue, paint, and burlap shards. Burlap hurts if it pokes into your skin. It's definitely something you want to be careful working with and change your shirt when you're done cause the pokey shards will be everywhere ... I'm not even exaggerating. I am plucking burlap splinters from my skin and it aches. They are starting to look cute though. I'm going to also string some pearls and silver beads and other assorted lovelies and dress them up a bit more. I want them to be absolutely gorgeous!

I suppose that's it for now. I might blog on a few assorted topics here and there but I feel like they might need their own blog post. Have a lovely day!

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