Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Adventures in Spray Painting

This is going to be a chronicle of my day. I'm working on bridesmaids gifts today. I decided a cool thing to do would be to have the luncheon sometime in December and hand out the gifts then, so they can use them. It's going to be a big gift basket and include the following:

Handmade necklace and earrings for the wedding

Handmade honey and cinnamon soaps

A tank top with their "title" in rhinestones

And some things I haven't done yet:
Handmade grapefruit-mint bath salts
Handmade lavender vanilla sugar scrub
A sleep mask and maybe a few other dollar store type spa items
and a relaxing spa candle

Since I'm making all the spa products myself, I needed something cute to package them in. I thought about mason jars but that was just plain. While perusing Michael's (I go there way too much, but it's so neat to find cute stuff there) I found these adorable tins ... there were some square ones that were short and thick - perfect size for sugar scrubs, then there were some tall round ones that would hold bath salts nicely. The only problem? They were Christmas ones. so I grabbed some white and purple acrylic paint and the tins and set off for home.

Yesterday I decided to tackle this craft (this was actually before the bottles. Before this blog if we want to be real specific) so I pulled them out and started to paint. The paint didn't look good at all. It was going to need a second coat to cover up the holiday design. Okay then. I decided to let the first coat dry and in a few hours I'd come back and re-coat. A few hours passed, and when I started to paint the second coat, it just smeared the first coat around after it was re-wet. It just looked yuck.

Then the idea hit me. Spray painting it! I was renewed with vigor and so after dinner out with the parental unit last night, I stopped in at Home Depot. I also had to get a big planter and potting soil, as it's time to transplant my sweet peas into a more permanent home (I am growing the flowers for our wedding too. HARDCORE!). I was set on just getting the white spray paint but as I was looking over the selections, it hit me! METALLIC! So I grabbed the silver and gleefully headed to the checkout counter. It was funny because the guy ringing me up goes "I have to ask, what are you using the paint for?"

Without missing a beat, I said "Gang initiation." We both had a chuckle and I was on my way. It was too late to spray paint when I got home, so after my errands this morning I decided to go do it. I covered the patio table in newspaper and taped it down since it's a windy day, then set out my containers. A few minutes later, they were drying and I was grumbling at the metallic streak on my hand. I'm going to let them dry a few hours then add some accents with my purple acrylic paint. I'll post another day a completed (and filled) project. But that's what I'm doing today!

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