Monday, November 12, 2012

A Case of the Bridezillas

Today, my dearest told me I was being a bridezilla. At first I wanted to throttle him, because what the hell? Then I was like, bless his heart. You know, he had the cajones to tell me I was being impossible. I don't know that it was totally warranted but I will admit sometimes I need to be stood up to. He seems to know that and take it into consideration.

I was looking at some friends' engagement pictures (which were awesome and creative) ... the fact that they were so awesome and creative though left me in a tailspin, mostly because I'd been on the fence about ours since we'd had them done. I didn't like them at first and then grew to like some of them only because of the way he looked at me in some of them. And the colors were nice. But overall? Our photographer didn't do much. There was no direction, she was just .. I don't know. She was new, and she was cheap, and that was what Clayton pointed out (As I was ranting about doing ours over, myself - now that I have the technology) "You're being a bridezilla. they're just freaking pictures." At this point I'm like staring at the computer going "WHAT?" he quickly followed up with "Well, they probably paid a ton for theirs, and we paid $70. It's not a big deal."

While he's right, it's like ... he doesn't understand that as women, we all have a competitive streak against other women. It doesn't mean we don't like them, or whatever - it's just every woman wants their wedding to be the best, the prettiest, the most fun, etc - and I would expect every friend that comes to my wedding to judge me and compare it to their own. It's natural. He doesn't get that about us and I'm not sure how I can explain it and not appear crazy. Or maybe I am crazy and other women don't think like that. If so, someone tell me this.

I'd like to think I'm pretty easygoing where bridezilla-ness is concerned. I am anal and OCD about how I want things to go, but it is the stuff I am doing myself that I can allow myself to be that way about. I'm trying to be good towards everyone else. I let my bridesmaids approve the dress and tried to pick out something both affordable, cute, and something they may use at a fancy function again. (I know everyone says "oh you can use those dresses again" but usually? no.)

So this is a call to all my friends. If you see me being a bridezilla, I am probably stressed and not meaning to be. Just call me out and let me calm down. My sweetie did and I am super glad about it.


  1. I love that he called you out and that you love him for it.Recipe for a great marriage for sure!!

    1. It takes a special man to be able to stand up to me =p ... I think I'll keep him!
