Tuesday, January 22, 2013

23 days!

There's not a lot going on craft wise lately with the wedding. Well, last night was an exception. Finally went to Hobby Lobby and Michael's. I have also been ordering things on amazon. I got the cake server set, purple gems for centerpieces, and toasting glasses for us, and then the flower girl basket. It needed customizing though, so that was the first project for last night:

At the stores yesterday I also bought the guest book, and I still have coming to me 1000 silver and purple rose petals, a precious moments cake topper, and 75 yards of sparkly purple tulle. Yesterday from the stuff I got I made butonneres (I know that's spelled wrong. sigh) for the boy, his wedding party, and my dad. I really love the way they turned out!

I had enough product left over that I made a pretty corsage pin for the boy's beautiful mom (and her beautiful dress! She showed it to me the other day and it's going to look awesome on her).

Over the next day or two, I'm going to be spray painting wine bottles metallic silver, getting centerpieces decided and ready to go, and basically freaking out because there are 23 days left. ER:KJEWRH@#IRH@#RH@#H@# (That is me slamming my head against the keyboard)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

So long, so long.. Sigh.

I feel like a complete tool. I saw my last post was November 19, and I just was like - wow. Has it really been that long? In my defense there were three holidays, one of which I drove solo across country for, and then things just got away from me. I've been doing a whole lot for the wedding though, so get ready for a photo intensive post!

We got the boy fitted for his suit. He'll have grey pants to match the jacket, but they only had black to try on. He needed a size larger than he was used to. I giggled a bit.

Found our flower girl's dress - at Costco. For $18.99. I was floored. It was in the "holiday dresses" but look at it! It's perfect for her. And I made the crown myself. It's got little bits of tulle streaming down the back.

My handsome fiance got me this jewelry set for Christmas. It's tanzanite, and it's either blue or purple depending on the light which I think makes it perfect for my something blue. He got it with the intention for me to wear to the wedding. I love this man - is there any wonder why?

I had my bridesmaids lunch too. They each got one of these wonderful baskets and some good Mexican food, and we had a good time. And that is the end of the photos! I will be getting back on track with more posting - oh! We also had to move the wedding to February 15. Which means it's even closer. And I still have so much to do!